Resignation Acceptance Letter: There are many elements in dealing with staff. One of the things that is often not mentioned is that they have to deal with employees who leave the company.
Employees will leave for a variety of reasons: to earn extra money, to return to school, to transport directly to amazing job opportunities, to go on tours, to start their families, for health reasons or for various reasons.
The policies set out in this region for talking to employees leaving the company will help you handle employee departures in an extraordinary and respectful manner.
Tips for writing a Resignation Acceptance Letter
As a rule, employees send a formal resignation letter. Therefore, you should reply with the right letter by accepting your resignation.
Here are some recommendations for writing professional and formal letters accepting employee resignations:
- Use the company mail format. Because this is a professional letter, you must use a business letter layout for the letter. In the left corner of the letter, enter the worker’s contact information, date, and contact details. Close the letter along with the handwritten signature and call below.
- Accept withdrawal. Your letter should notify the employee who obtained and experienced your resignation letter and should request your reliable working day with the company.
- Expression of knowledge. Their reaction should involve regretting what brought down the employee; However, they appreciated, understood, and respected the difficult choices he had to make. You can also offer assistance to employees. For example, you can offer to provide a reference letter for you or him. However, this offer is not mandatory.
- Save the file. Send letters to employees and save letters for worker reports. You can save the letter itself, in other cases send it to your workplace to your HR, if you have one. This will help you keep clear documents while the worker has left the company.
Tips for Sending an Email Resignation Acceptance
Today, many employees send their resignation letters by email. Depending on the situation and tradition of the employer, this is an ideal way to give up. In this case, you can respond very well via email. To maintain a professional and very large interaction, observe the following recommendations:
- Write a professional email. While you can continue mastery with paragraphs and (of course) handwritten signatures, the rest of the notes should resemble a business letter form. Don’t use casual language that’s perfect for personal correspondence. Skip text by talking about content, emoticons, etc.
- Use the correct worry line. If you do not immediately respond to a worker’s resignation email, you should select a topic line that securely communicates the email topic, and. B “Acceptance of resignation and congratulations.”
- Consider offering your email or invitation by not painting and then attaching a touch to LinkedIn in a contemporary way. This assumes that you are willing to offer a referral or referral in fate.
- Read your message before sending it and see your message. The resignation acceptance letter is an opportunity with a view to growing your network, so beautiful. Make sure your message is perfect, and an expert lets you learn more about your network connection with your former employees.
Company resignation guidelines
Depending on the size of your organization, you may need to remember to create devices or techniques for managing pickup letters. The established withdrawal policy seems professional and keeps you and your employees calm.
For many organizations, making regular staggered notes for employees is an easy way to provide an explanation for the scale of the transition.
If an employee formally resigns, they can be shown to the user to discuss the next steps needed to clean up the transition. It is your responsibility to offer employees expert separation offers and explain to employees matters such as the need for observation, last pay, reputational employee benefits at the time of termination, and to determine their last working date.
Resignation Acceptance Letter Template

Resignation Acceptance Letter Sample
The following are examples of letters from a manager resignation acceptance letter. Use those examples that will help you write your very own letter.
James Lee
Director Marketing Manager
XYZ Corp
4994 Timber Crest Road
Chuathbaluk, AK 99559
June 09, 2021
John Johnson
1281 Irish Lane
Madison, WI 53718
Dear Miles,
His resignation from his post is public, effective from June 9, 2020, upon request.
I have no doubt that you will maintain to meet your traditional excessive requirements during your last time with the organization.
It’s nice to walk with you, and I want you all to have satisfaction in destiny. If I can offer a reference, feel free to ask.
James Lee
Example Resignation Acceptance Letter
Bryan Fitzpatrick
Director, XYZ Corp
665 Poling Farm Road
Omaha, NE 68104
March 29th, 2021
Jamie Hinton
59 Rebecca Street
Northbrook, IL 60062
Jamie Hinton,
It really is along with great repent which I officially recognize the acceptance of his resignation on March 26. His resignation has been ratified and, as requested, his last working day here at JQB and Sons could be April 9.
It’s a pleasure to walk with you and, on behalf of the crew, I want to wish you the most pleasure in all your destiny. In this letter, you will find a data package with data targeted at the withdrawal method.
If you have any further questions, feel free to touch your workplace. Once again thank you for your effective mindset and hard drawings for most of this year.
Best Regard,
Bryan Fitzpatrick
Manager Resignation Acceptance Email
Subject: Acceptance of resignation and congratulations
Liebe Liz,
I’m sorry to hear you’re moving from QRS Inc., but I’m glad to know that you have an exciting new opportunity in the job. I knew you were going to be very successful there because you were in all your roles.
This is my official receipt of his resignation. As desired, your last day is 10 years. June 2021. Please keep in touch and let me know if you would like any suggestions.
Best Regard,
Broderick Rodriquez